The UTU Browser Extension First Access Beta is Live!

2 min readFeb 2, 2023


A select group of UTU trust guardians has already gotten exclusive beta access to our browser extension. Sign up here to get on the waitlist!

We are excited to announce that the First Access beta testing program for the UTU browser extension is now live for an exclusive audience of trust guardians! The UTU Browser Extension, our first consumer product (after $UTU), is a decentralized consumer reviews and reputation tool built atop UTU Protocol as well as the UTU Trust API and SDK (both of which can also be integrated directly by dApps, Exchanges, and Wallets that want to provide their users with better trust).

This First Access Beta testing program will provide users with the opportunity to get early access and provide valuable feedback on the product.

The browser extension is designed to provide users with the ability to access feedback and reviews from their networks on UTU protocol as well as UTU Trust Token (UTT) endorsements. This allows users to make more informed decisions when considering sites (domains) to interact with. The browser extension will also provide an additional layer of transparency, helping customers to make sure they are choosing the best digital interactions and not being taken advantage of.

The First Access beta testing program is limited to a select group, but we will be expanding it soon to all trust guardians.

We invite all interested users to sign up for the upcoming expansion of the UTU Browser Extension beta testing program and help shape the future of digital trust. We look forward to sharing the browser extension with you all.

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Bridging the gap between how we trust in the real world, and how we are asked to trust online.